Almost Weekend Update

Happy Friday to everyone. It's been a crazy week in politics and I have a feelings things are going to get much more wackado before this whole election thing is over. There's some things that I hope you didn't miss, and some things I hope you did. I think we all could have done without Joe the Plumber this week, but his appearance on the national scene is now almost worth it thanks to SNL. On Thursday they had another prime time election special. Their final debate parody was frickin' hilarious. They needed something solidly funny to riff off of, and good old Plumber Joe was their man. 

In other news, I saw a woman with a McCain/Palin bumper sticker on her car walk into the supermarket yesterday. I may have imagined it, but I swear she saw my Obama sticker and gave me a look. I couldn't help it, my brain began to think bad things about her. "Look at her with her horrible mommy jeans, and sad brown scrunchy." I believe I may have even thought that she looked like she needed a good - umm yeah, you know the other word for screw. Right after I thought this, I immediately felt like a horrible person. I don't know this woman, how dare I subscribe such awful things to her based on a single bumper sticker. (If it had just said McCain, instead of McCain/Palin I think my brain may have cut her a little more slack.)

Seriously though, I don't want to end up like crazy-McCain-rally-lady, close minded and aimlessly wandering the set of SNL asking if McCain and Palin are Muslins! "No ma'am, muslin is a kind of fabric." Yeah, I really better keep myself in check, lest I become a crazy liberal blogger. Glad I'm not one of those freaks! Thankfully I have admitted my wrong doing to the ever-forgiving world, and so now I feel a little better. Thanks world!
