Prop 8 The Musical

You can count on Funny Or Die for great laughs from your favorite celebrities all the time, but there's not usually so many packed into one video! Prop 8 the musical features, Andy Richter, Maya Rudolph, John C Reilly, Margaret Cho, Neil Patrick Harris, and more! Not to mention an extremely entertaining and on point take on the whole Proposition 8 debacle. Listen to Jack Black Jesus everyone; choose love over hate!
See more Jack Black videos at Funny or Die


Peggy said…
Except, the Bible does not allow someone to stone their wives or sell their daughters into slavery. Forbidding shrimp cocktail is correct along with mandatory circumcision and allowing divorce. These laws were not part of God's original laws or part of God's original plan for us but laws given for particular health reasons (or in the case of divorce "due to our hardness of hearts")at certain times in Jewish history. Once the Incarnation occurred those laws became invalid and the original 10 commandments were boiled down to 2 commandments: Love God and Love one another.
NiNa* said…
Those two work for me!
Peggy said…
Participation in homosexual acts goes against loving God because it perverses natural order. I know you are pretty set in your beliefs here so I'm not going to start getting preachy but I thought the video wasn't funny and purposefully inaccurate.
MJ said…
I believe God loves everyone. I believe in a forgiving God. I believe everything was created in God's image and is on this earth for a reason. To think other wise is to believe God is capable of making mistakes.

On another note, that comment was pretty messed up Pregs, for reasons I wont get into.
Unknown said…

check it out guys. its good. my daddy made this.
Tamonster said…
I believe this article to be the most relevant to this conversation.