Christmas in Cyberland

So this is my first real non myspaceian blog. Does it feel more legitimate? No, not really. It actually feels like a lot fewer people will read this. Maybe I prefer the anonymity of the web over the in your face personality attack that is myspace. Maybe not, I haven't figured that out yet.

I do know I've been spending my time trying to strike the delicate balance that is finding things to buy people for Christmas at work, and trying not to go broke. It's not as easy as it sounds when your paycheck is in danger of bouncing every week and you have a itchy clicker finger. I have a window open right now of $60 worth of stuff to buy my boy friend that will sit there until all of a sudden the price seems reasonable. What, free shipping? Okay, click and bought.

Sometimes I must admit that indulging in the consumerism of Christmas can feel good. All the people bustling around, thinking about what the people they love would love. It's the ultimate marketing tool! And if you listen carefully to the commercials, (For the love of god please don't. I wouldn't if I could help it.) they'll tell you how to put a big fat price tag on your love. Sears tells you this year: "Don't just give a gift. Grant a wish." Translation: "Don't just spend 100 dollars. Spend 500! It will make your children love you more!"

It's not fair really. I think we're all at our most susceptible to advertising this time of year. Think of old Ebenezer Scrooge; so thrifty and cynical all year long and then a few stray ghosts appear and he's in a state where in today's modern world he would be buying George Foreman Grills, Performace Fleece Hoodies, and wall-mounted singing fish left and right. The fish is to keep his door knocker company clearly but wouldn't his nephew really have just like a visit? Well it doesn't matter because his goose will be grilled without the fat, the Cratchits will all get Starbucks gift cards and a Merry Christmas will be had by all. It all works out in the end. So I guess my point is that while cheer may indeed be profitable, it always beats a Bah Humbug.
