Pig Update!

Roger Water's truant swine has been located! Yes, after Coachella, the music festival he was performing at, put up a $10,000 reward for it's return, it was bound to resurface. The funny part is that it was apparently found by a women wearing a Pink Floyd t-shirt who wasn't a fan but rather bought the shirt for a 70's theme party. At least she knows her correct theme party eras, I have seen people dressed for 80's parties in early 90's white trash garb, so I have to give her a shred of credit there even if she isn't a fan.

The even better irony is that the fat capitalist pig with "Don't be led to the slaughter" scrawled across it, landed smack dab in the middle of an upscale country club. Somehow I'm sure though, that the two couples that split the ten grand were not offended.
