Letterman Makes Me Laugh?

Now I usually don't watch Letterman. I posted earlier about Chris Rock' appearance on the show because I had read about it and not actually seen it. Last night however, I think was the first time I watched the show the whole way through. Ok, not the entire way through, even I couldn't stomach the crappy musical guest.

So why was I watching last night you ask? Two words: John McCain. To be more accurate, the lack there of. See John McCain was booked to appear on Letterman Wednesday night, a show which I would not have watched, but a little mishap accrued. Namely McCain actually saw what the pol numbers looked like after a week of him trying to sounds like he knows what he's talking about in regards to the economy. He doesn't

Letterman was extremely upset that McCain had cancelled on such short notice and took many opportunities to express his outrage at the idea of suspending your campaign for any reason. "What are you going to do if you're elected and things get tough? Suspend being president? We've got a guy like that now!" 

Mid taping, Letterman received word that McCain was not on his way to Washington, but down the street being interviewed by Katie Couric. Dave cut to a live feed of the interview and asked, "Hey Senator, can I give you a ride to the airport?"

Dave made a point however, to stroke McCain's war hero record and praise in specific terms the sacrifices the senator has made for our country. After that though he quipped, "You don't suspend your campaign. This doesn't smell right. This isn't the way a tested hero behaves. I think someone's putting something in his Metamucil."

Craig Ferguson had plenty to say on the subject also: 

"You can't suspend the democratic process because we're facing problems. At what point do you think, maybe we should suspend the election? We'll have the elections later. Some people have done that before: Castro did it, Napoleon did it, Julius Caesar did it. You can't do that. If you like it or not, the campaign is part of the democratic process....You wanna take your time off, that's fine, but you don't say we're suspending the campaign. You can't say that. It's the democratic process. We didn't suspend it for 9/11, we didn't suspend it for Pearl Harbor, we didn't suspend it for the Nazis, we didn't suspend it for the damn British. We don't do that in America!"
