The election is nearing and the country seems to be falling into the same old traps Republicans like to use to fool voters. If you are not a Republican like I am myself, it is much harder for you to realize you are being fooled. Every election we are told the Democrat is elitest, out of touch, too liberal, not enough experience, not religous enough, not economically intelligent, and as of last election...not honorable enough in battle. These are like big flashing mental signs to conservatives. These descriptions set people off, trigger their anger towards Democrats, towards liberals, towards the pro-choice, the anti-gun, and the pro-regulation for banks and corporations crowd. When the right gets angry and falls for this ploy, the fat cats in the party smile and laugh, pat themselves on the backs, and then proceed to plan how to spend all the money they will steal from the system we like to call the Government.
Not all Republicans blindly follow the leadership of the party, but most are helpless to do anything to voice their opinions and those that do are usually cast out. Ron Paul and Chuck Hagel are a few that come to mind. A better example would be McCain himself. We all saw in 2000 what the Republican party would do to anyone who got in the way of their annointed choice and at the time it was George Bush. They demonized McCain in ways I thought they saved for Democrats. In the end, they got what they wanted and the American people got eight years of Bush. When I say "they" I mean the men in the shadows who run the party, the rich, the corporate, the Cheneys etc. Anyone that thinks George Bush runs the country is truely mistaken. The man is not smart enough to eat a pretzel, let alone come up with the truly sneaky and evil things that have happened in the past eight years.
My greatest fear is that in this election, the voters will once again be fooled, buying into the Republican PR machine. The machine that wants you to believe that McCain is a Maverick, that he is going to be the champion of the people. They want you to forget they did not want this man to be their man. They want you to look past the fact they would not even let him pick his own Vice Presidential running mate. They attached a woman, who in any other time would be laughed at for her inexperience, and tried to take advantage of what they know the country is truly looking for, calling it "Change." They don't want you to see Palin is more to the right than Cheney. They don't want you to see McCain is full of flip flops and lies.
Americans always like to think they can go into a car showroom and get the best deal from a salesman. We like to pound our chests and say "I wont be fooled or taken advantage of." We go in thinking we know everything about the cars and we wont be tricked into buying a lemon. I hope voters this year will look under the hood, see through the old tricks and in the end realize the Republicans are trying to sell us a car that may be shiney and polished on the outside but has an engine with 250,000 miles on it, driven by Cheney and the rest of the cigar smoking fat cats that run that party. And if voters buy the the same old Republican party tricks, well I have a bridge up in Alaska to sell you.
-MJ, New Blogger for Contrary To Popular Belief