How Low Can You Go?

McCain is playing a game of political limbo. He is now using 100% of his ad spending on attack commercials. Is it possible to go any lower? Well, as I am typing this, news is coming out about how today they are ramping up the negative attacks even more, so the answers is clearly a resounding, yes. 

The scary thing though, is that the smears McCain and Co. are spreading about Obama-as-terrorist do seem to be working, at least in the minds of their supporters. It's hard to say how these constant attacks will play with swing voters, although as the daily show points out, the largest demographic of swing voters is "the stupid."

Salon's War Room suggests that while these attacks generally do move people towards seeing Obama unfavorably, they also push people to see McCain the same way. 

The people at the McCain Palin rally here however, have clearly made up their minds. Even though the McCain team has said that they don't want the press talking to their supporters, it seems one liberal blogger got into a rally, and got to interview some supporters. His questions aren't always the best, but the answers, while not surprising, are disappointing and frightening to say the least.
