I Feel Sick - Thanks National Review

I would like to call out Ed Whelan of the National Review, who today wrote a piece speculating on whether Obama's mother (who is now deceased) would have aborted him had it been legal at the time. Even stating "lucky for him, as the son born of that woman, that it [Roe v. Wade] hadn't been decided a dozen or so years earlier. And says it was the "legal culture" that cause her to keep the baby and marry the father. (Here is the link to a Huffington Post excerpt of the article, I don't want to give his site more hits by posting the actual address, you can go there through the link if you want.)

Not many things disgust me these days, but this is just rotten and filthy to the core. Mr. Whelan you should be ashamed of yourself. Do I even need to mention the depth you have sunk to here? You have accused a dead woman of wanting to abort the possible next president of The United Sates. You have totally disregarded the fact that there is no correlation between the legality of abortion and the abortion rate, and you have hidden behind a lack of statistics as an excuse. "I haven't found any statistics on the percentage of pregnant college freshmen who abort their pregnancies, but indirect indications suggest that it's very high."

Look guy, I know you work for The National review and all, but maybe you should try to play journalist sometime. There are these things called facts you might want to look into.
