New Debate! Now With More Nastiness!

John McCain's campaign has taken a nose dive last week. Something he's very used to. It took the financial crisis to draw a line in the bog, and the majority of Americans seem to be lining up on Barack Obama's side.  The Republican's brilliant new strategy to win? Horribly attack your opponent's character, paint him as a terrorist, and rile up your supporters to the point they're yelling back "Kill him!" at your rallies. Fun for the whole country! It's not like we were horribly divided already or anything, I'm sure it will be fine and not lead to people yelling "Kill him!" at rallies or anything.... oh wait.

So tonight we have a debate to watch, and I'm not thinking it's going to be pretty. John McCain spent a lot of the last debate attacking Obama, and that was when he was supposedly being nice! I don't think we can be surprised by anything McCain tries to pull this time, we've seen this desperation level of attack politics in the democratic primary, and guess what? It didn't work. But we've also seen that doesn't stop them from trying. 

Why it was John McCain who had this to say on negative campaigning not too long ago, "Uh, I, I just have to rely on the good judgment of the voters not to buy into these negative attack ads. Sooner or later, people are going to figure out if all you run is negative attack ads you don't have much of a vision for the future or you're not ready to articulate it." Why that's an excellent point John McCain from the past, now if we could only introduce you to this John McCain fellow running for president.

I know I will be watching tonight, at the advice of Sarah Palin wearing my buckled seat belt. (But I mean really, is she advocating watching the debate while driving? Cause, I mean I know it's somewhat boring usually, but that has to be a lot more dangerous than texting while driving.) Maybe John McCain will try his own hand at folksy winking? Whatever his choice of overly plotted, angry-old-man attack, it should prove to be just as scary. 

Just like driving while watching TV! We'll careen off a cliff of gutter politics too steep to climb out of, but at least we'll be entertained, right?


Unknown said…
oh now you see why i don't have a car! the republicans are trying to KILL ME!

on a scary note. i did have dream that some of us were on a bus moving to Mexico, for some obvious reasons. mind you... they had sharks in the dream, and I couldn't find a nice place to peepee. it was a NIGHTMARE!
Shana said…
poor people don't deserve tax breaks because they clearly aren't working hard enough or else they'd have more money and they keep defaulting on their loans and causing banking crisis.