This blog is seemingly sad to me lately. Since the election is over, I don't seem to have to insane drive to obsess over politics all day the way I have for the last two years. Brain shifts have occurred without me even noticing.
But this is not fair to the public you see. They demand infotainment constantly, and if I'm not there to give it, there's someone right next page waiting to dispense their own brand of snarky commentary on today's events.
I feel the need to branch out my little Interweblings! My media empire hasn't seemed to achieve the growth rate I had hoped it would, (see also overnight success) and I feel hedged in by my own compartmentalizing. When I think of an idea, I have to decide which of my many blogs it would fit in to the most, and quite often the answer is none.
So perhaps this space needs to follow my brain's lead and spend a little less time obsessed with politics? My other interested for cold months have started to push their way to the forefront. Cooking, baking, crafts, and photography need a home, but alas I havn't one to give them at the moment.
So what should it be? Stuff it all in here, or continued expanding the blog empire? The choice is.. well it's mine but I clearly can't make any important decisions without a proper chunk of feedback, so do what you can to help your old pal Nina.