Ok, mark your calenders. It took exactly this long for me to get pissed off at Obama. The New York Times is reporting that Obama has picked former Iowa Governor, Tom Vilsack for agriculture secretary. Visack?! Are you f-ing kidding me?! Didn't I sign a petition to keep this guy out of the running and then a few days later heard that he took his own name out of the running?! Vilsack is a huge supporter of factory farming, unsustainable corn-based farming I might add, not to mention Monsanto and it's evil corporate food-Barron ilk. I am feeling the strong urge, in fact, to dub him Corn Boy due to his love of, and ties to, big corn. Done and done.
"One of the first major decisions Mr. Obama and Mr. Vilsack [A.K.A. Corn Boy] may have to make is whether to grant the ethanol industry’s requests for billions in federal aid in the stimulus bill, which Mr. Obama has said he hopes to sign into law quickly, perhaps on his first day in office." Ummm.. why? I thought we were all up to speed on the fact that ethanol is a poorly constructed band aid on a gushing wound. I didn't elect Obama because I thought the corn industry needed more money, especially not my money.
Basically the entire Times articles talks only about renewable energy. A very important issue it's true, but certainly not the only thing that a Secretary of Agriculture would be dealing with. To me all that says is that we are going to be focusing more on large factory farms that create corn for ethanol, and much less on small organic family farms, that will keep our food supply safe and renewable for future generations. Corn: 1 America: 0
Prove me wrong guys, prove me wrong.
P.S. Need more proof that corn is evil?
